Generated on May 1, 2019 at 9:41:52 am

    Survey results: Filming in Auckland
    September 2018


    ATEED (Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development) is a council-controlled organisation responsible for bringing economic growth into Auckland.

    Part of this is through attracting major film companies to Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland), by positioning our region as a prime location to film large-scale productions. ATEED also assists with facilitating shoots and other related activities to support production companies.

    While film production helps bring economic growth into Auckland, the general attitudes towards filming activities are not well known, apart from feedback received from members of the public inconvenienced by such activity.

    The purpose of this survey was to better understand public perceptions of filming and how negative impacts of film productions could be reduced.

    Find out more about ATEED's work with the film industry here.

    How we will use the results

    Results show that in general, Aucklanders tend to feel positively about professional filming productions taking place in Auckland, with 7 in 10 saying they'd like to see more filming in Auckland.

    However negative impacts were also noted in the survey, particularly reduced access to public areas, reduced parking, and road closures. These survey results enable ATEED to understand the extent of these issues, to ensure film productions have as little negative impact on the public as possible.

    Find out more in the Using the survey results sections within this report.

    Answers to FAQs received in this survey have also been included on the last page.


    • 35,332 panellists received an invitation
    • 4762 surveys were completed
    • Survey was open for 12 days (30 Aug - 10 Sep 2018)

    This survey was run on Auckland Council's People's Panel, a quick and easy way for Aucklanders to help shape Auckland by taking part in short surveys.

    View a printable version of this report

    Video summary

  • FAQs

    Thanks to everyone who completed this survey! Here are answers to some of the frequently asked questions or comments that were mentioned:


    Why is Auckland Council involved in this (filming is not a core council activity)?

    Answer: ATEED, an Auckland Council-controlled organisation, is Auckland’s economic development agency. ATEED’s purpose is to support the growth of quality jobs for all Aucklanders.

    Film is key sector in the economic development of the region, with production and post-production creating gross revenue of more than $1 billion in 2017, and more than 3500 jobs across more than 1600 businesses. ATEED ensures that opportunities to obtain economic outcomes aligned to screen infrastructure and investment are maximised. ATEED’s regional film office, Screen Auckland, supports the region’s screen sector through film attraction, and the facilitation of film production in the region.


    You’ve said usually only 48 hours notice can be given to neighbouring properties, before filming on residential streets. Why can’t more notice be given?

    Answer: Film productions operate on short turn around from concept to delivery. Depending on the nature of the shoot, there are many moving parts (such as scripts, actors, scheduling, camera and lighting requirements) that are required to carry out on-location production. To keep filming in Auckland, in a competitive international market, film crews often have to work within short time frames. For very high impact shoots, such as those that require resource consents or road closures, timeframes are based on regulatory requirements.


    Is council paid a fee for films produced in the area / does council receive a share of movie profits?

    Answer: Film productions pay a permit fee for the use of council public spaces. These fees are redistributed back into community via the consenting authority (including the relevant local board). Council does not receive any movie profits. However, the region benefits from the wider economic value of filming including employment, skills development, and purchasing of goods and services from New Zealand suppliers.


    What is the benefit to the local community? Are the profits reinvested in that area?

    Answer: A typical production involves spending at numerous providers such as hotels, restaurants and caterers, petrol stations, dry cleaners, transport companies, security, equipment rental, hardware suppliers, and on labour (technical crew and tradespeople). Local communities reap economic benefits whenever film productions come to the area; and jobs are created directly or indirectly.

  • Responses over time 
    Total Responses4,762
    Average time to completeAbout 4 minutes
    First ResponseThu 30 August 2018, 9:57 am
    Last ResponseMon 10 September 2018, 2:50 am
  • 1A(i) 

    How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

    Filming professional productions in Auckland…

    - Is good for tourism
    I don't know 5 - Strongly agree 4 3 2 1 - Strongly disagree
    Number of responses to this question4,762 (100%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    1 - Strongly disagree1012
    5 - Strongly agree2,49052
    I don't know1273
  • 1A(ii) 

    How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

    Filming professional productions in Auckland…

    - Creates job opportunities
    I don't know 5 - Strongly agree 4 3 2 1 - Strongly disagree
    Number of responses to this question4,762 (100%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    1 - Strongly disagree872
    5 - Strongly agree2,50453
    I don't know1192
  • 1A(iii) 

    How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

    Filming professional productions in Auckland…

    - Is vital to our economy
    I don't know 5 - Strongly agree 4 3 2 1 - Strongly disagree
    Number of responses to this question4,762 (100%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    1 - Strongly disagree2205
    5 - Strongly agree1,37229
    I don't know1954
  • 1A(iv) 

    How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

    Filming professional productions in Auckland…

    - Influences our art and local culture
    I don't know 5 - Strongly agree 4 3 2 1 - Strongly disagree
    Number of responses to this question4,762 (100%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    1 - Strongly disagree1694
    5 - Strongly agree1,77537
    I don't know2295
  • 1A(v) 

    How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

    Filming professional productions in Auckland…

    - Is great for my community
    I don't know 5 - Strongly agree 4 3 2 1 - Strongly disagree
    Number of responses to this question4,762 (100%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    1 - Strongly disagree1373
    5 - Strongly agree1,79238
    I don't know1864
  • 1A(vi) 

    How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

    Filming professional productions in Auckland…

    - Is a nuisance/inconvenience
    I don't know 5 - Strongly agree 4 3 2 1 - Strongly disagree
    Number of responses to this question4,762 (100%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    1 - Strongly disagree1,25926
    5 - Strongly agree1984
    I don't know1593
  • 1A(vii) 

    How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

    Filming professional productions in Auckland…

    - Has an effect on the environment
    I don't know 5 - Strongly agree 4 3 2 1 - Strongly disagree
    Number of responses to this question4,762 (100%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    1 - Strongly disagree52111
    5 - Strongly agree3397
    I don't know66214
  • Question 1B 

    Would you like there to be more/less filming of professional productions in Auckland?

    None of the above - I don't want any filming in Auckland Less filming I don't know The same amount of filming More filming
    Number of responses to this question4,762 (100%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    Less filming1102
    The same amount of filming84518
    More filming3,33570
    None of the above - I don't want any filming in Auckland210
    I don't know4519
  • Question 1C 

    While living in Auckland, have you ever seen/encountered or been involved in professional filming in public places?

    This includes filming in your neighbourhood, in the city centre, or other public places. 

    Please select all that apply. 

    I don’t know Yes – I have been involved in filming (e.g. crew, cast, supplier) No - I have not seen/been involved in filming Yes – I have seen/encountered filming
    Number of responses to this question4,762 (100%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    Yes – I have seen/encountered filming2,97062
    Yes – I have been involved in filming (e.g. crew, cast, supplier)55812
    No - I have not seen/been involved in filming1,52932
    I don’t know241
  • Question 2A 

    Were you directly involved in the production? 

    For example, as a crew member, an extra, supplier etc.

    I don’t know No – I was not involved in the production Yes – I was directly involved
    Number of responses to this question558 (12%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    Yes – I was directly involved36065
    No – I was not involved in the production19435
    I don’t know41
  • Question 2B 

    How were you involved in the production?

    Please select all that apply.

    I don't know Other role (please specify) Supplier/vendor Production Crew member Cast/extra member
    Number of responses to this question360 (8%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    Crew member8123
    Cast/extra member20056
    I don't know10
    Other role (please specify)4111
  • Question 2C 

    Where did the filming take place?

    I don't know Another public area (please specify) At a public building e.g. museum, school On my street In a public park or playground In a natural area e.g. the bush, beach In another business area e.g. town centre, shop, cafe, bar In the city centre (CBD) On another residential street
    Number of responses to this question3,209 (67%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    On my street51116
    On another residential street1,02332
    In the city centre (CBD)98331
    In another business area e.g. town centre, shop, cafe, bar75524
    In a public park or playground63020
    In a natural area e.g. the bush, beach65821
    At a public building e.g. museum, school35511
    I don't know321
    Another public area (please specify)2307
  • Question 3A 

    What impact did the filming you most recently encountered have on you?

    I don't know 1 - It had a very negative impact 2 - It had a slightly negative impact 5 – It had a very positive impact 4 - It had a slightly positive impact 3 - It had no impact at all
    Number of responses to this question2,849 (60%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    1 - It had a very negative impact672
    2 - It had a slightly negative impact39914
    3 - It had no impact at all1,24544
    4 - It had a slightly positive impact60921
    5 – It had a very positive impact50418
    I don't know251
  • Question 3B 

    How were you negatively impacted?

    Please select all that apply. 

    I don't know None of the above Negative environmental impact (e.g. increased littering, wildlife affected) I was worried about my privacy/felt uncomfortable Negative interaction with film crew Other (please specify) Increase in noise Impact on my street e.g. I had to move car It made me late/I had to wait Increase in people around Increase in traffic Road closures/had to use alternative route It blocked parking that could have been used Limited my access to a public area
    Number of responses to this question466 (10%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    Road closures/had to use alternative route19041
    Limited my access to a public area23751
    It blocked parking that could have been used22849
    I was worried about my privacy/felt uncomfortable4911
    Increase in noise6614
    Increase in traffic13930
    Increase in people around12026
    Negative interaction with film crew5211
    Negative environmental impact (e.g. increased littering, wildlife affected)429
    It made me late/I had to wait8719
    Impact on my street e.g. I had to move car7316
    I don't know10
    None of the above20
    Other (please specify)6314
  • Question 3D 

    How were you positively impacted?

    Please select all that apply.

    I don't know None of the above Other (please specify) Increase in income e.g. foot traffic for business Positive effect on the local/community spirit General excitement It was interesting to see the production
    Number of responses to this question1,113 (23%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    None of the above30
    General excitement65459
    Positive effect on the local/community spirit52547
    Increase in income e.g. foot traffic for business16114
    It was interesting to see the production90481
    Other (please specify)535
  • Question 3C How could the film crew have reduced the negative impact/effect on you?

    Notification prior to filming, even if in local newspaper etc.

    Large trucks parked on residential street, was difficult to drive past without crossing centre line. Not sure where else the trucks could have parked

    Probably not too much. They were very obliging, and it turned out to be an excellent movie which highlighted our area well

    They just takeover the locale - need to be less intrusive

    They did all they could in that area. Signs leading up suggesting avoiding that street would be useful.

    Advertised the closure on social media

    Filming outside of peak times eg avoid school holidays and weekends

    Only by not being there. I didn't mind. I just had to travel slowly.

    Knowing public places are for everyone not just for them and filming.

    They should have had better sound proofing when recording sound effects as all neighbouring offices work days were impacted/disturbed by the loud explosion & gun fire sounds

    Not much they could do, was only for a day or so, no major issue

    Just a letterbox drop of some info on what was happening, time it would last, what to expect, who to contact for any issues

    Not much. I guess that they had to restrict external noise so either ran a Stop/Go position or closed the road completely. They used the option that had a reduced impact.

    The crews always seem so large and they so much gear - not to mention generators

    Not be arrogant as if there time is more important than everyone elses

    More for the businesses affected- the blocked parking meant fewer customers and the production company did its own catering so there was no business from them either

    Due to space restrictions not all comments are displayed in this report. The above is a selection of responses to this question.

    Number of responses to this question 280 (6%)
    Total number of responses for this survey 4,762

  • Using the survey results:
    Reducing the negative impact/effects

    A common theme in the comments was the impact of film productions on parking. ATEED is currently working through how the feedback around this (and other negative impacts/effects) can be incorporated in the permitting process for film productions.

    As some background, when filming on location, trucks are used to transport equipment and on-hand supplies, and this can contribute to parking issues. As Auckland grows as a destination for filming, ATEED with continue to focus on minimising the impact of film productions on parking. For example, for larger shoots this may mean setting up unit base areas away from the filming location, in spaces where businesses and residents in the immediate area will not be affected by parking being restricted.

  • Question 4A 

    When it comes to filming in residential streets we can usually only give 48 hours notice to neighbouring properties. 


    If there were to be filming on your street how would you like to be notified?

    Please select all that apply.

    I don't know None of the above – I don't require notice Other (please specify) A note on the local community/supermarket noticeboard In person/door knocking On community social media pages e.g. community Facebook pages, neighbourly Outdoor signage/poster on my street Letter box flyer
    Number of responses to this question4,762 (100%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    Letter box flyer3,99884
    In person/door knocking1,02221
    A note on the local community/supermarket noticeboard48610
    On community social media pages e.g. community Facebook pages, neighbourly1,50532
    Outdoor signage/poster on my street2,09344
    None of the above – I don't require notice902
    I don't know120
    Other (please specify)2285

  • Using the survey results:
    Notifying residents about filming on their street

    Currently ATEED uses letter box flyers to notify residents when there will be filming on their street. With 84% of survey respondents choosing this as the most preferred method of contact, ATEED will continue notifying residents in this way.

    Outdoor signage/posters may also be used sometimes (this was selected by 44% of respondents) however it will depend on a case-by-case basis, and the team are aware some residents may not want signage put up on their street or near the front of their house.

  • Question 4B 

    What information would you like to be included in the notifications?

    Please select all that apply.

    I don't know None – no notice required Other (please specify) Any assurances that me/my family/property won't be filmed The expected size of the production crew Public safety messages/instructions Advice on where to park if spaces will be taken up A map of the production area/ intended shots What the production is for What impacts to expect on your comings and goings Contact details if there are any issues The days/times the production will be there
    Number of responses to this question4,762 (100%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    What the production is for3,22668
    The days/times the production will be there4,35992
    A map of the production area/ intended shots3,12166
    The expected size of the production crew2,24247
    What impacts to expect on your comings and goings3,63176
    Contact details if there are any issues3,68577
    Advice on where to park if spaces will be taken up2,74958
    Public safety messages/instructions2,39850
    Any assurances that me/my family/property won't be filmed1,94841
    None – no notice required742
    I don't know110
    Other (please specify)1543

  • Using the survey results:
    Information to be included in notifications

    ATEED will take these results into consideration when notifying residents of filming on their street, focusing on including information on the days/times the production will be there, contact details, and what impacts to expect. Where possible the team will also share general details about the production.

  • Question 5A Your name:
    Leave blank if you prefer not to say.

    This question was asked to pannellists who had not yet provided their name. Responses for this question are not displayed in this report. 

    Number of responses to this question 145 (3%)
    Total number of responses for this survey 4,762
  • Question 5B 

    Are you:

    Gender diverse I prefer not to say Male Female
    Number of responses to this question4,762 (100%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    Gender diverse140
    I prefer not to say411
  • Question 5D 

    Which of the following age groups do you belong to?

    Please select one only.

    14 years old or younger I prefer not to say 15-24 years 75 years or older 25-34 years 35-44 years 65-74 years 55-64 years 45-54 years
    Number of responses to this question4,762 (100%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    14 years old or younger10
    15-24 years2024
    25-34 years46110
    35-44 years84218
    45-54 years1,06122
    55-64 years91719
    65-74 years86318
    75 years or older3117
    I prefer not to say1042
  • Question 5E 

    Which ethnic group(s) do you belong to?

    Please select any that apply to you.

    Tokelauan Other Pacific peoples Korean Middle Eastern African Niuean Tongan Latin American Cook Islands Fijian Southeast Asia Other Asian Samoan I prefer not to say Indian Chinese Other (please specify) Maori Other European NZ European/Pakeha
    Number of responses to this question4,762 (100%)
    Total number of responses for this survey4,762
    NZ European/Pakeha3,31970
    Other European3577
    Cook Islands291
    Other Pacific peoples120
    Southeast Asia651
    Other Asian882
    Middle Eastern200
    Latin American291
    I prefer not to say1433
    Other (please specify)2696
  • Question 5F Do you have any other comments about professional filming in public places or about this survey?

    Respect others privacy

    Keep it up!! Good for NZ and Auckland.

    Filming does need to be managed in public places or when impacting on public places. Where possible, film crews should actively seek to generate benefit to those directly impacted e.g. through local catering for crews, using locals as extras, by inviting affected groups to advanced screenings or my contributing to local projects. The higher the impact, the more comprehensive the local return should be.

    Its so interesting to watch. Creates a positive and friendly atmosphere between neighbours.

    As long as it is well managed and surrounding businesses and residents are given fair notice of anticipated disruptions, I have no issues.

    Film crews and Council giving permission need to be culturally aware of permissions required to film places like churches even if the buildings are in the distant background.

    There needs to be more film productions in nz to help create jobs and benefit tourism

    Ok if my rates are NOT subsiding it.

    If they are impacting the local infrastructure they should be paying it. I know they are impacting the local economy, but it is hard to see where the money is going and how they are helping local business people and locals get ahead.

    I believe that good filming/recording of our current locality/community is always good to have for our history and economy.

    As filming I have seen has generally only taken place for less than a day I have never thought of it as a potential problem. Would be interesting to have information from filmmakers and others (e.g. Council) on benefits they think we get (as a country and as a local community). Thanks

    Due to space restrictions not all comments are displayed in this report. The above is a selection of responses to this question.

    Number of responses to this question 1,367 (29%)
    Total number of responses for this survey 4,762


  • This survey was run on Auckland Council's People's Panel, a quick and easy way for Aucklanders to help shape Auckland by taking part in short surveys.